To coach and to coax

A coach usually has no explicit authority, so they often have to coax team members into taking action or reconsidering an opinion. Sometimes this is easier when taking a particular stance, and asking a leading question:
Reflecting: "So if I understand correctly then what you're saying is..."
Prompting: "Have you considered [doing] / [thinking about]..."
Positing: "What if [this were true] / [that were to happen]..."
Suggesting: "If it were up to me then I would..."
Connecting: "Have you talked to [her]? She..."
Digging: "Is that really the problem?" / "How do you know?"
Challenging: "So what are you going to do about..." / "Is doing nothing an appropriate response to..."
Aiming: "What are you really trying to achieve?" / "How will you know when you're done?"
Steering: "How would you get there from here?" / "Can you break that down into smaller steps?"
Focussing: "If you could only do one thing..." / "What's the first action you can take?" / "What is most important right now?"
Summarising: "So, the problem is... the alternatives are..."
Chairing: "Shall we take a vote?" / "Give [him] a chance to speak..."
Smoothing: "Why don't we take a quick break..."
Marshalling: "I hear what you're saying but we'll have to come back to that later: right now we need to... "
Taking an interest: "What's new with... That sounds interesting... How does it work?... How did you come up with..."
Encouraging: "Well done..." / "Thank you..." / "...which is a big step forward" / "...which really helps"
Obviously these stances only pay off if the coach actually listens to the response that they get.

Postscript: If this list of stances seems helpful to you then you ought to check out Esther Derby's post on the method of Focussed Conversation